Community-Based Services and Resources
- RAW (Recovery Advocacy Warriors) | 734-240-3850 ext 3227 is an RCO (Recovery Community Organization) operated through CCSEM (Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan). It is a program for people in recovery, by people in recovery. RAW provides free community events, education, and raises awareness that recovery is possible.
RAW Annual Recovery Picnic
Walk & Rally (annual)
Narcan (naloxone) Distribution Events (monthly)
CCAR Recovery Coach Academy (quarterly)
CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches (quarterly)
Recovery- Focused Mind & Body Wellness sessions (twice weekly through mid-September 2021)
Recovery Support Meetings (SMART Recovery, SMART for Family & Friends, ALL Recovery, and 12-step meetings available weekly)
(see attached file below for meeting flyer)
- Medicated-Assisted Recovery Anonymous (MARA) | Website
Do you use medication that is prescribed and approved by the medical community to treat various drug and alcohol use disorders? Many addicts and alcoholics that are utilizing evidence-based science to aid in their recovery sometimes feel unwelcome at traditional 12 step meetings. Here at Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous (aka MARA), you're always welcome! (Know More)
- Ryan's Hope Life Challenge provides a 90 day, 6 month, or one year intense, structured, residential program for men and women with drug, alcohol, and other life-controlling addictions. Ryan's Hope is affiliated with Teen Challenge USA, International, our goal is more than rehabilitation. Call 734-770-9697 (Know More)
Transitional Housing
- Paula’s House I & II | 734-242-6650
- Touchstone Recovery Houses | 734-585-4104
- MI REP- In Jail Program is a voluntary program, providing intensive case management, Dual Recovery Therapy (DRT) and peer support services to individuals with justice-involvement and co-occurring needs. MI-REP utilizes the MISSION CJ model and incorporates a team approach to working with individuals, from incarceration to community transition. MI-REP services are tailored to the individual and are designed to address the unique needs and recovery goals, of each participant. General services provided by MI-REP include case management and peer support, therapeutic monitoring, service/resource linkage, transition and treatment planning, provider/service coordination, vocational, educational and employment support, transportation assistance and aftercare planning. For more information, please call: Monroe Community Mental Health Authority: 734-243-7340 | Monroe Community Mental Health Authority After Hours: 800-886-7340 OR Major Troy Goodnough, 734-240-7564, [email protected]